

Follett Access Program FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some of the most commonly asked questions about the Follett Access program. If you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to reach out.

  • What Is Follett Access?

    The Follett Access program is a textbook acquisition program designed to reduce the cost of required course materials (by 30% to 60% in most cases) and to get necessary book materials into your hands by day one of class.

    Materials that may be "recommended readings" are not included in the program.

    Required digital course materials will be made available to you directly within Moodle.

    Physical course materials may be available for pick up at the campus bookstore.

    The cost of course materials will be automatically charged to your account each semester and can be paid along with tuition and fees or using financial aid.

    You have the option to opt out of the program through the semester Course Add/Drop period.

  • Why Is SMC Using Follett Access?

    SMC wants students to experience academic success. Having the right materials for a course at the time the course begins will help you achieve academic success. Additionally, the program will save you time and money each semester.

  • Will I Save Money?

    Yes. Publishers provide significant discounts to participate in this program, and those discounts are passed on to you via this program. You can use your financial aid and other tuition payment options available to you through the Financial Aid Office and Business Office.

  • Will All Of My Textbooks Be Included?

    No. Many courses at SMC use the Follett Access program, but others do not.

  • What Will The Charge Look Like on My SMC Bill?

    The description “Instructional Resource Charge” will display on your SMC bill for each digital resource required in a course that is a part of the Follett Access program.

  • What Happens if I Drop a Course?

    If you drop a course in the Follett Access program before the Course Add/Drop deadline, then the digital textbook access will be removed automatically. Please note that all adjustments to your bill will occur after the Add/Drop deadline.

  • What Happens if My Textbooks Are Included?

    The cost of included textbooks will display on your SMC bill with the description “Instructional Resource Charge,” and a link to the textbooks will be provided in your Moodle course shell. You should click on that link in Moodle to access your textbook.

  • What Happens If None of my Textbooks Are Included?

    You will need to visit, click on Textbooks, and input your student ID in the Get My Books box to learn what textbooks your courses require.

  • How Can I Find Out All of the Books I Need?

    You should visit, click on Textbooks, and input your student ID in the Get My Books box.

  • What if I Do Not Want Digital Textbooks?

    You can opt out of the Follett Access program by responding to an email that will be sent to you, but you must do this before the Course Add/Drop deadline which is typically the conclusion of week one of the semester.

    If you opt out, you must find and purchase required course materials on your own. All materials will be available through the SMC Bookstore ( Adjustments to your bill for opting out will occur after the Add/Drop period.

  • What if I have Purchased a Cengage Unlimited Subscription?

    "I had previously purchased a Cengage Unlimited subscription for some of my SMC classes, and I think it is still active. Do I have to pay for another subscription if my classes next semester also use Cengage Unlimited?"

    No. You should not have to pay for another subscription as long as you have enough remaining time left on your previously purchased subscription. Double-check your Cengage Unlimited subscription status. Learn how to check this here, and if you have enough time left on the subscription, opt out of the Follett Access program before the Add/Drop deadline. 

  • What if I have Multiple Classes That Each Require a Subscription?

    "What if I don’t have a previous, active Cengage Unlimited subscription but I am taking multiple classes that each require a subscription? Do I have to pay for multiple subscriptions?"

    No. You should only have to pay for one subscription. If multiple subscription charges are on your account, the Business Office will remove them after the Add/Drop deadline.

  • How Do I Opt Out?

    You can opt out by responding to an email that will be sent to your SMC inbox.

    If you want to opt out, you must do so prior to the Course Add/Drop deadline, which is typically the conclusion of week one of the semester. Adjustments to your bill for opting out will occur after the Add/Drop period.

  • Can I opt out of some resources but opt in to others?

    Yes. The resources you opt into will be ready for you on day one of class.  Those resources that you opt out of will be your responsibility to secure.

  • If I opt out but then change my mind and want to opt back in, can I?

    Yes. Return to an opt-in status either through an email sent to your inbox or by contacting the SMC Bookstore.


  • If I opt out this semester, can I opt in next semester?

    You will automatically be considered in the Follett Access program each semester until you choose to opt out for that semester.

  • I learn better with printed material instead of digital textbooks, can I switch?

    Maybe. This may be possible in some courses but not in others. Additionally, you may incur a separate charge for printed materials. Start by contacting your instructor and then contact the Bookstore to determine if this is possible for a specific course.

  • What if I get an incomplete grade in a course and need additional time to access course material?

    Some digital material may only be accessible for a certain period of time.

    If you are concerned about needing additional time beyond the semester, as in the case of an incomplete contract with the instructor, you should contact the SMC Bookstore to ensure they will have the required resource as long as you need it.

  • I did not opt out, but I did not register my access or use the online resource. Will I have to pay for it?

    Yes. All students who are enrolled in a course using Follett Access are automatically considered part of the program as the digital access is a required component of the course. To avoid paying for the digital materials, you must opt out through an email sent to your SMC inbox or contact the SMC Bookstore before the Course Add/Drop deadline.

  • I forgot to opt out and missed the deadline. Can I get a refund now?

    No. Once the cost of the required course materials has been applied to your Student Billing Account and the Add/Drop period has passed, there are no refunds.

  • Who should I contact if I have a problem with the Follett Access textbook program?

    For questions about textbooks, contact the technical support team of the publisher that provides your Follett Access materials or contact the SMC Bookstore. 

    For questions about courses, contact your advisor or instructor.

    For questions about billing, contact the Business Office.