

Alumni Plaza the center of the Dowagiac campus

Planned Giving

Make a Difference with a Planned Gift

With a planned gift, you can provide long-term support for Southwestern Michigan College and its students. There are many ways to give, several of which are outlined here. We encourage you to contact a certified financial planner or attorney as you are planning your gift. Please let us know as well so we can provide any additional information you need to complete the process. We’d also like to be able to thank you for your gift and share stories of how your gift impacts students’ lives.

Types of Gifts

  • Gifts of Cash

    Gifts of cash provide an immediate impact on SMC and its students. You can also take a charitable income tax deduction for the year in which you make the gift.

    All cash donations will be considered unrestricted gifts and will be used for the general benefit of the college, unless otherwise indicated. If you want your gift used for a specific purpose, please indicate that in writing, such as on the memo line of a check or in a brief letter to us as you are making the gift.

  • Gifts of Insurance

    If you have a life insurance policy that has outlasted its original purpose, such as a policy to provide for minor children who are now independent adults, you could gift your policy to the college (make Southwestern Michigan College the beneficiary).

  • Gifts of Real Estate

    You can donate appreciated real estate, such as a home, vacation property, undeveloped land, farmland, ranch, or commercial property to SMC.

  • Gifts of Remembrance

    A memorial gift is a way to show appreciation for a loved one who has passed away. Memorial gifts, which could encompass cash, insurance, property, etc., may be directed toward existing scholarships or used to create a new scholarship in your loved one’s name.

  • Gifts of Retirement Assets

    You also have the option of gifting assets from your IRA, 401k, 403b, pension, or other tax-deferred plan to the college by making Southwestern Michigan College the beneficiary of your retirement assets.

    By transferring your retirement assets to SMC directly upon your death, your estate may be able to claim a charitable estate tax deduction. Neither your estate nor your heirs should have to report any taxable income from the distribution of this type of gift.


A bequest is a gift made through a will or trust. It is one of the most popular and flexible ways that you can support the college and its mission of “Knowledge for All.” Again, we encourage you to contact a certified financial planner or attorney as you are planning your bequest. Descriptions of the types of bequests and sample bequest language is provided here.

Types of Bequests

  • Specific Bequests

    Specific bequests are those in which a donor bequeaths a specific dollar amount or specific asset(s).

    Sample language: I give, devise, and bequeath $_____ (or the following asset) to the Southwestern Michigan College Foundation, located in Dowagiac, MI, (EIN 38-1943374) for its general purposes.

  • Percentage Bequests

    Percentage bequests are those in which a donor bequeaths a percentage of his/her estate.

    Sample language: I give, devise, and bequeath to the Southwestern Michigan College Foundation, located in Dowagiac, MI, (EIN 38-1943374), for the Foundation's general purposes an amount equal to ______ percent (__%) of my adjusted gross estate as finally determined for federal estate tax purposes.

  • Residuary Bequests

    Residuary bequests are those in which a donor bequeaths all or a percentage of the remainder of the estate after other gifts, debts, taxes, and expenses.

    Sample language: I give, devise, and bequeath all (or a percentage) of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, both real and personal and wheresoever situate, to the Southwestern Michigan College Foundation, located in Dowagiac, MI, (EIN 38-1943374), for its general purposes.

  • Contingent Bequests

    Contingent bequests are received by the Foundation only if a donor's primary beneficiaries are not surviving at the time of the donor's death.

    Sample language: If (primary beneficiary) does not survive me, I give, devise, and bequeath such beneficiary's share of my estate (or trust) to the Southwestern Michigan College Foundation, located in Dowagiac, MI, (EIN 38-1943374), for its general purposes.

  • Restricted Bequests

    Restricted bequests are those in which a donor bequeaths a gift to be used for a specific purpose. If you desire to make such a bequest, please contact the SMC Foundation at We’ll be happy to work with you to realize this desire.